
Schools in series to "build better, faster, cheaper": the CROCS experimental construction program (1965-2021)

Giulia Marino
CROCS System © Ville de Lausanne Archives
CROCS System © Ville de Lausanne Archives

The Centre de rationalisation et d'organisation des constructions scolaires (CROCS) was active from 1965 to 1973, as part of a wide-ranging research programme initiated by the municipality of Lausanne. The industrialised metal construction process that resulted from this research was a success, with around thirty buildings completed.  
The importance of the project is indisputable in the European context, and the coherence of the corpus leaves no doubt as to the remarkable character of these industrial objects, mass-produced thanks to draconian planning. However, the heritage value of the CROCS schools is sorely tested by the fact that they are currently undergoing extensive and irreversible renovation. The notion of authenticity becomes crucial here: the criterion of the representativeness of this series, emblematic of the production of the Trente Glorieuses, has given way to that of the uniqueness of the (very) few objects whose intrinsic qualities have been preserved.

CROCS System © Ville de Lausanne Archives
CROCS System © Ville de Lausanne Archives


Giulia Marino, Des écoles en série pour “construire mieux, plus vite, moins cher”: actualité du programme expérimental CROCS (1965-2021). In: Caroline Bauer, Richard Klein (Eds.), Architectures en série et patrimoines, Cahiers thématiques du LACTH, Vol. 1, no. 20, p. 39-51 (2022).


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